Monday, March 19, 2012

Amicus Curiae Briefs

The Attorneys General of the states requiring or permitting segregation in public education will also be permitted to appear as amici curiae upon request to do so by September 15, 1954, and submission of briefs by October 1, 1954. 
These are the briefs to all 5 consolidated cases
Briefs prior to initial oral argument:: Jurisdictional Statement Brief for Appellants Appendix to Brief for Appellants: The Effects of
Segregation and the Consequences of Desegregation–A Social
Science Statement Brief for Appellees Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Brief of American Civil Liberties Union et al. as Amici Curiae Brief of American Federation of Teachers asAmicus Curiae Brief of American Jewish Congress as Amicus Curiae Brief of American Veterans Committee, Inc. as Amicus Curiae Brief of Congress of Industrial Organizations as Amicus Curiae
Initial oral arguments: Oral Argument (Brown v. Board of Education), December 9, 1952 Oral Argument (Briggs v. Elliott), December 9, 1952 Oral Argument (Briggs v. Elliott), December 10, 1952 Oral Argument (Davis v. Prince Edward County School Board),
December 10, 1952 Oral Argument (Bolling v. Sharpe), December 10, 1952 Oral Argument (Bolling v. Sharpe), December 11, 1952 Oral Argument (Gebhart v. Belton), December 11, 1952
Briefs prior to reargument: Brief for Appellants Brief for Board of Education Brief for State of Kansas Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Appendix to Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Brief of American Federation of Teachers as Amicus Curiae Brief of American Veterans Committee, Inc. as Amicus Curiae
Rearguments: Oral Argument (Briggs v. Elliott; Davis v. Prince Edward County
School Board), December 7, 1953 Oral Argument (Briggs v. Elliott; Davis v. Prince Edward County
School Board), December 8, 1953 Oral Argument (Brown v. Board of Education), December 8, 1953 Oral Argument (Bolling v. Sharpe), December 8, 1953 Oral Argument (Bolling v. Sharpe), December 9, 1953 Oral Argument (Gebhart v. Belton), December 9, 1953
Briefs prior to oral argument on implementation of the Court's decision at 347 U.S. 483: Brief for Appellants Brief for Board of Education
Brief for State of Kansas Reply Brief for Appellants Memorandum Brief for Appellants Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae Supplemental Memorandum for the United States as Amicus Curiae Brief of American Veterans Committee, Inc. as Arnicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of Arkansas as Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of Florida as Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of Maryland as Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of North Carolina as
Amicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of Oklahoma as Arnicus Curiae Brief of Attorney General of the State of Texas as Amicus Curiae
Oral arguments on implementation of the Court's decision at 347 U.S. 483: Oral Argument (consolidated), April 11, 1955 Oral Argument (consolidated), April 12, 1955
Oral Argument (consolidated), April 13, 1955 Oral Argument (consolidated), April 14, 1955
The President stated: ‘We shall not finally achieve the ideals for which this Nation was founded so long as any American suffers discrimination as a result of his race, or religion, or color, or the land of origin of his forefathers.  The Federal Government has a clear duty to see that constitutional guarantees of individual liberties and of equal protection under the laws are not denied or abridged anywhere in our Union. 

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